Herramientas/Tool Index
What is it?
VIAsegura is a set of models developed by the IDB and iRAP that help detect road safety elements such as delineation, lighting, number of channels or lanes, and others that can facilitate decision-making in terms of road improvements in the region. The models are developed in python and the library can be added to any platform that can execute code in this programming language. It contains models that analyze 16 road safety elements with accuracies ranging from 67% to 96% and are designed to work with the standards of the Road Assessment Program.
This tool was developed within the framework of the operation: RG-T3617 and others.
Why was it developed?
Currently, 1.35 million people die and 50 million are injured in traffic accidents per year in the world. Reducing the accident rate on the roads and increasing safety is possible. One of the mechanisms is the early detection of failures in the road infrastructure that can potentially cause accidents, as well as their correction to save lives. However, doing this work usually requires specialized personnel, who manually walk the roads to identify the situations that generate accidents. In fact, in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, this process is carried out on average every 7 years. Given the complexity of this process and the cost of the investment, VíaSegura is developed, a tool that has the possibility of increasing efficiency and reducing time, by automating the analysis using Artificial Intelligence.
Why are we sharing it?
To contribute to the reduction of road accidents by automating the road safety criteria analysis process and to reduce the time required for road inspection for every 10,000 km of highway from 78 to 2 weeks.

Have you reused or is thinking about reusing this tool?
Email us at [email protected] and request an exclusive “tool reuse badge” from the IDB.
Have you participated in the implementation workshop of this tool?
The attendees (live or through our YouTube channel) who send the results of the exercises of our workshops to the email [email protected] will receive the badge by email within a week. To request a new credential submission, please contact: [email protected].