Herramientas/Tool Index
Methodological guide: Data and Indicators for LAC
Tool Description:
The methodological guide presents how the demographic, education, employment, poverty, inequality, social protection, health, gender and diversity indicators of the IDB's Data and Indicators platform for Latin America and the Caribbean were constructed. This includes definitions, formulas, description of variables, disaggregations and data sources. The guide is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
What problems does it solve?
Clarifies the definitions, formulas, variables, disaggregations and data sources used for the IDB's Data and Indicators platform for Latin America and the Caribbean.
How does it work?
The methodological note is a consultation tool that allows you to navigate the indicators that the social sector estimates and know the sources data.< /p>
Use case:
The data and indicator platform for Latin America and the Caribbean for which this methodological note was developed is a tool that generates reliable, timely information at the service of the region on different social issues. .
More information here: https://www.iadb.org/es/recursos-de-knowledge/datos/datos-sociales