Herramientas/Tool Index
Open Terms Archive
What is it?
Open Terms Archive addresses a critical gap in the ability of activists, journalists, researchers, policymakers and regulators to analyze and influence the rules of online services.
Digital platforms have immense power in shaping global information flows, managing personal data, and dictating business practices, and thus greatly influence social change. Their power is determined by the rules set out in complex and constantly changing documents that define how these platforms operate: terms of service, privacy policies, community guidelines....
Why was it developed?
These terms often offer unequal rights and opportunities between jurisdictions and increasingly constitute unilaterally designed rules, with little or no democratic oversight. Because of the sheer volume of these documents, the frequency with which they change, and the legal jargon often used, these fundamental rules of governance remain largely opaque, even to the most dedicated observers.
Why are we sharing it?
Beyond the immediate practical use as a repository of historical terms of service, Open Terms Archive is designed as a tool to drive platform governance towards greater accountability, improved legislation and tighter regulatory compliance. It makes it clear to every service provider that their actions are seen and recorded. It draws the public's attention to the conditions offered to them. Shows what actions were effective in changing these conditions. Brings together an ecosystem of powerful counterpowers around shared data sets.
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