Herramientas/Tool Index
Matriz OD Transporte Público
What is this?
It is a methodology that is applied to transaction data from the public transport ticket payment system (SUBE card) in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. The repository includes a methodological document that specifies the process carried out with the data, the transaction data set used (sube card transaction data from a Wednesday in November 2019 in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires), and the results of the process. : tables of cards and of stages and trips with the imputed origin and destination that allow the elaboration of the origin and destination matrices. In the repository, you can find the raw data of the SUBE database as well as the processing scripts to be able to link stages and trips and assign destinations.
Why was it developed?
The analysis of data from electronic payment methods in public transport allows the elaboration of valuable information for the planning and design of public policies based on evidence. In this sense, the origin-destination matrices are a necessary input to improve the planning of public transport in cities. With changing mobility patterns and complex urban dynamics, as well as exogenous factors such as the COVID pandemic, it is important to have updated and at the same time representative information for the most disaggregated spatial units. The use of data from the SUBE card, duly anonymized based on a request for public information, allows the construction of these inputs that are so necessary for urban and transportation planning.
Why are we sharing it?
The availability of duly anonymized data to the general public is the condition of possibility for civil society actors (universities, organizations, unions, companies) to be part of a public discussion about public transport in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires. Making the final results available is as important as publishing the inputs and tools used for their processing so that the entire process is more transparent and can be reproduced, controlled, and improved by the rest of the interested users.
Methodological Report: here

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