Herramientas/Tool Index
Collection: Harmonized Household Surveys for LAC
What is it?
The Collection: “Harmonized Household Surveys of Latin America and the Caribbean” consists of two repositories that contain the programming scripts for: (1) the harmonization of microdata from the Household Surveys where the original variables are transformed into standardized variables that are built under a common approach and structure, with standardized names, definitions and disaggregations for each year (or round) of a country; (2) the calculation of indicators focused on topics such as demography, education, labor market, migration, housing, health, infrastructure, gender and diversity, social protection and poverty. Currently, the collection of "Harmonized Household Surveys of Latin America and the Caribbean" considers 26 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) from 1986 to date.
This tool was developed in the framework of operation: RG-E1693.
Why was it developed?
The main objective of the repositories is to use the microdata from LAC household surveys to generate standardized and comparable information among the 26 countries of the region to monitor the demographic, economic and social characteristics of the countries. Generating comparable data and indicators across countries and over time will help monitor —in a regional context— the living conditions of the population and the effects of public policies that may affect them. In other words, it will allow and encourage informed decision-making.
Why are we sharing it?
The objective of making the collection repositories open source is to encourage joint review and collaboration between countries, sectors and users of harmonized data and indicators in such a way that errors can be minimized and work done more effectively and openly. . In general, the use of microdata and harmonized indicators (i) can reduce the time and, therefore, the costs, in the management of the documentation and databases of the surveys, the elaboration of statistical routines and the processing of data. data; (ii) it allows comparisons to be made that are closer to the needs of the analysis or to specific criteria for the construction of indicators, and (iii) it offers considerable flexibility to identify relationships and interactions between the phenomena covered by the surveys in a regional context that favors and promotes the diversity of research work.
You can see more data from the social sector here: https://scldata.iadb.org/
This tool is made up of two repositories:
- Harmonized microdata: https://github.com/EL-BID/harmonizacion_microdatos_encuestas_hogares_scl
- Harmonized indicators: https://github.com/EL-BID/calculo_indicadores_encuestas_hogares_scl