Herramientas/Tool Index
What is it?
Distancia2 is a platform that takes advantage of the video cameras already installed in the cities of Latin America and the Caribbean, and through Artificial Intelligence algorithms it detects people and measures the distance between them.
The platform determines how many people are in each place where there is a camera and how far they are from each other in real time. This information, which is completely anonymous and does not include any personal data, is immediately analyzed to produce indicators such as the percentage of agglomeration; and later it is stored in a database to carry out historical analyzes, such as determining the days and times when it is most difficult to maintain distance.
Why was it created?
It is created as a result of the wave of infections and deaths due to COVID-19. The IDB began to investigate what technologies could be applied in Latin America and the Caribbean in the fight against this pandemic.
What are the opportunities for improvement/reuse of the tool?
There are possibilities for improvement in the handling of processing threads, in the management of GPUs, and that the models could be adapted for detection of specific images (for example the use of masks), their use indoors and in other environments. Making the code available to the developer community is a best practice, and encourages the collaboration of many people around the topic.