Herramientas/Tool Index
OAW Tracker
The OAW Tracker automatically generates reports on the accessibility of web content, and provides recommendations on how to resolve the problems detected. It was developed by the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Service of Spain to support the accessibility of Spanish government websites. The online diagnostic service analyzes more than 60,000 pages annually.
Currently the reports are generated through an automatic methodology based on the standard UNE 139803: 2012 (WCAG 2.0). The Government of Argentina is testing the tool in order to personalize it and use it to monitor compliance with the accessibility requirements with respect to its Law No. 26,653 on "Accessibility of Web Page Information".
The Government of Costa Rica, through the working group INCLUTEC, also monitors the accessibility of its public sector websites using the OAW Tracker.
This tool has been shared with Code for Development as part of an exchange with the Center for Technology Transfer in the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Service of Spain.