Herramientas/Tool Index
idbsocialdata Libraries
What is it?
The SCLData packages are for quickly obtaining indicators, comparable between countries and over time, of key topics for research and development in Latin America and the Caribbean. The indicators mainly consider issues of poverty, inequality, health, labor market, gender and diversity, education and migration for the 26 countries of the region from sources such as household surveys, population censuses and administrative records. In each query you can choose the indicator, disaggregation level, start year and end year. For example, a user could consult the poverty information for all Latin American countries, disaggregated by sex, for the period from 2006 to 2020 in a matter of seconds. The packages are developed in R and Stata, to facilitate the consultation of audiences that may feel more comfortable with one tool or another.
This tool was developed in the framework of operation: RG-E1693.
Why was it developed?
This tool was developed to facilitate the consultation of the indicators of the region, providing a unified source of data on different topics that can be easily used to generate comparative analyzes or studies on the region. This will boost knowledge about the region, facilitating decision-making with a reliable and comparable source of information for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Why are we sharing it?
First, sharing this tool could help the continuous improvement of the IDB's social indicators. By being used by more users from multiple audiences, it is easier to identify errors, correct them and keep the social indicators of the region as accurate as possible. Additionally, having social indicators of the region directly in a tool such as R or Stata could reduce search and processing times for the user. In this case, different indicators can be consulted for a long period of time and different disaggregations in a matter of seconds. This allows different types of analysis to be carried out efficiently, promoting research and knowledge about the region.
See more data on the social sector here: https://scldata.iadb.org
This tool is made up of two repositories:
- Package R: https://github.com/EL-BID/idbsocialdataR
- Stata package: https://github.com/BID-DATA/idbsocialdata
- Python package: https://github.com/EL-BID/idbsocialdatapy

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The attendees (live or through our YouTube channel) who send the results of the exercises of our workshops to the email [email protected] will receive the badge by email within a week. To request a new credential submission, please contact: [email protected].