Herramientas/Tool Index
Bom de Morar
What is this?
To move forward in terms of housing policies, Recife City Hall is launching a new program, the Bom de Morar Program, which aims to subsidize the rent of urban properties for low-income families.
The solution developed within the scope of Technical Cooperation BR-T1496 aims to assist in classifying families' eligibility, accounting for the subsidy amount, and finally, displaying the properties appropriate to each family's situation. The PoC of the Bom de Morar Program consists of building a platform that aims to translate all the eligibility criteria established in Article 2 of Ordinary Law 18,967 into algorithms and thus automate the entire screening process, promoting speed and productivity gains in the implementation of the social program.
Why was it developed?
The PoC of the Bom de Morar Program consists of building a platform that aims to translate all the eligibility criteria established in Article 2 of Ordinary Law 18,967 into algorithms and thus automate the entire screening process, promoting speed and productivity gains in the implementation of the social program.
Why are we sharing it?
To demonstrate how the use of various databases can help implement public policies and increase efficiency in the public sector.

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