Herramientas/Tool Index
What is this?
It is a software focused on the financial industry, which is intended to serve any type of financial service, market, or demographic group, at low cost, with ease of implementation, and ease of integration with accessibility.
Why was it developed?
Due to a large number of poor people; that for this same reason, they do not have options to be considered in the banking industries, is that MIFOS "MIcro Finance Open Source", "Open Source Microfinance" was born, which gives this group of people the opportunity to access financial resources for that with these, they can reverse their economic situation.
Why are we sharing it?
Due to the high poverty figures and the little or no possibility of obtaining economic resources by this group of people, Mifos gives the possibility of connecting providers interested in supporting and granting loans to people not considered in the banking industry. , thus generating the opportunity to provide them with a better life opportunity.

Have you reused or are you thinking about reusing this tool?
Email us at [email protected] and request an exclusive “tool reuse badge” from the IDB.