Herramientas/Tool Index
CadÚnico Analysis
What is this?
The CadÚnico Analysis dashboard is an application capable of automatically building 6 vulnerability indicators: Poverty, Extreme Poverty, Vulnerability, Lack of Income, Homelessness, and Gini Coefficient. The app features interactive charts that allow the user to explore data temporally and geographically and make data-driven decisions.
Why was it developed?
The Municipality of Recife has a very rich database on the subject of social vulnerability: CadÚnico. However, traditional tools, such as electronic spreadsheets, are inefficient to operationalize this data set, which makes it difficult to manipulate the data and, therefore, delays the process of generating useful information for decision-making. . A tool capable of automatically building various indicators of vulnerability is needed, which is fast and interactive, to allow decisions based on data.
Why are we sharing it?
CadÚnico data is collected throughout Brazil, but few municipalities make use of this rich database. By sharing the source code of the application, we hope that other municipalities can develop similar tools to help solve social problems.

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