Herramientas/Tool Index
What is it?
i-Educar is a free online school management software that allows secretariats, teachers, coordinators and school area managers to use a tool that produces information and statistics in real time, with a centralized database Easily accessible, reducing the need to use paper, duplication of documents, attention to citizenship and rationalization of the work of public servants.
It was originally developed by the city of Itajaí - SC and made available on the Federal Government's Public Software Portal in 2008, with the aim of meeting the needs of Education Departments and Public Schools throughout Brazil.
Why was it developed?
The i-Educar system was developed to improve the management of municipal schools. The information is centralized, the internal processes are better organized, which allows for greater optimization of the time and resources of public servants.
Why are we sharing it?
Since the beginning of its development, 2007, the software has been public and free, especially for being part of the Portal Brasileño de Software Pública. And ours, Portabilis, let us maintain our commitment to the i-Educar Community, keeping the information / innovations / announcements up to date, and that other municipalities can benefit from the use of the software and improve the management of municipal public education.

Have you reused or is thinking about reusing this tool?
Email us at [email protected] and request an exclusive “tool reuse badge” from the IDB.