Herramientas/Tool Index
Coronarivus Impact Toolbox
What’s the tool?
This tool is code developed to facilitate the processing and calculation of a measure of traffic congestion, Traffic Congestion Intensity (TCI). The code calculates the percentage change in TCI with respect to a reference week prior to the beginning of the social distancing measures enacted by different countries and cities in response to the Coronavirus crisis. The Waze for Cities Program provides access to aggregated raw data from a continuous feed every two minutes from the Waze community-driven navigation app. In order to prepare the data for more insightful analysis, this tool automizes and streamlines the data wrangling process, including the querying of the data based on provided polygons, the validation of the variability of the data, and the calculation of the changes in the TCI.
Why was it developed?
The IDB Group has collaborated with the Waze for Cities Program since 2018 in order to derive insights for informing data-driven decision-making and design in development projects. Specifically, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the IDB created this tool to support the visualizations on its Coronavirus Impact Dashboard. This provides policymakers, epidemiologists, and the general public with intuitive real-time visualizations of social distancing’s impact on various aspects of daily life in Latin America, including traffic congestion, public transportation use, human mobility, air quality, and economic activity.
Why are we sharing it?
The code of the Coronavirus Impact Dashboard can be easily reused by the thousand-plus cities and other public sector partners in the Waze for Cities Program to prepare Waze data and create their own dashboards to inform decision making and to share focused information with their citizens.