Herramientas/Tool Index
What is it?
This tool is a set of resources and libraries developed to facilitate the process of creating web systems using the Django framework, which is a popular framework for Python development.
Why it was developed?
It was created with the purpose of making development more efficient, following the principle of "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY), which means avoiding code repetition. To achieve this goal, the tool incorporates several technologies and libraries directly into the project, such as Django Rest Framework, PyTest, Flake8, Prospector, Python Decouple and Taskipy. These libraries provide functionality that helps developers write high-quality code, automate repetitive tasks, and speed up development.
Why we are sharing it?
Therefore, we are sharing this tool because it is a kind of pre-configured toolbox that simplifies the development of Django systems, allowing developers to take advantage of the best practices and technologies available in a more convenient and effective way.
Have you reused or are you planning to reuse this tool?
Simply send an e-mail to [email protected] requesting a "tool reuse badge", exclusive to the IDB.