Herramientas/Tool Index
SaniHUB Basic Network
What is this?
SaniHUB is an initiative that has a set of open-source tools developed with the objective of supporting the concession of condominium extensions and concession of stations of decentralized wastewater treatment networks (conventional and/or condominium), the concession of condominium extensions and concession of decentralized networks wastewater treatment stations. Each module is independent and works as a plug-in for QGIS, a free geographic information system (GIS) software.
Why was it developed?
SaniHUB is an initiative created to help spread awareness of innovative methodologies, such as Condominiums, and provide access to modern technologies and tools for the design of sanitation systems through the development and distribution of open-source software.
Our objective is to provide knowledge and training to professionals, sanitation companies, and universities in modern methodologies and tools that support the different stages of the design and management of a sanitation system.
The initiative had the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), and the Latin America Investment Facility - European Union (LAIF).
The tools developed have already been applied in several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, where workshops and training have also been provided to local teams in the use of the design modules that are: SaniHUB RedBasica for water collection network projects systems, SaniHUB Ramales for projects of data collection and extension of condominiums and SaniHUB DWATS for projects of decentralized wastewater treatment plants.
These experiences have shown that the tool has great potential to accelerate the expansion of sewerage systems in developing countries. Firstly, because they are accessible to all users (Open-Source) and, furthermore, because they make it possible to optimize sanitation systems, facilitating rapid development and comparison between various alternatives and design proposals.
Access the website https://sanihub.org/ to learn more about the initiative, watch video classes, ask questions, and check out the news.
Related operations:
RG-T3524 - Support for the Optimal Sanitation Initiative
RG-T3598 - Support for the Development of Innovative Solutions to Improve the Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Services in Urban Areas in the Dominican Republic and Haiti
Why are we sharing it?
Developing countries face the challenge of achieving universal access to sanitation, with the aggravating factor that a large part of their population lives in small cities with few technical and financial resources. We believe we can make this hurdle easier to overcome by providing access to modern project tools and training local people and teams.
Starting from that base and to support SDG-6, which seeks to guarantee access to water and sanitation for all, the idea arose to develop and distribute open-source software based on QGIS, a geographic information system (GIS) application.

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