Herramientas/Tool Index
Harmonization process and generation of social indicators for LAC
Tool Description:
This page presents three open source repositories to (1) harmonize household surveys, (2) harmonize censuses and (3) estimate social indicators from the bases harmonized in steps (1) and (2) .
What problems does it solve?
The variable harmonization and indicator estimation codes present the processes used to generate comparable data between countries and over time. The publication of these codes allows for better understanding and replicability to generate timely data in the region.
How does it work?
To use the tool, you must go to the corresponding repositories, read the ReadMe and identify the countries, years or variables to analyze.
If you want to download the repositories to your computer, you can clone them to have them available locally.
Use case:
The indicators generated within the framework of SCL Data, through the code presented in this showcase, can be used in reports, blogs, speeches, research articles, among others. For example, the recent IDB publication "2024 Latin American and Caribbean Macroeconomic Report: Ready for Take-Off? Building on Macroeconomic Stability for Growth" used indicators generated with this tool for the poverty, inequality and employment sections.
More information here: https://publications.iadb.org/en/2024-latin-american-and-caribbean-macroeconomic-report-ready-take-building-macroeconomic-stability