Herramientas/Tool Index
At your service
What is it?
It is a web application that allows you to view the different health providers in Uruguay (public and private). It allows the user to consult, list and compare indicators of each of the institutions.
Why was it developed?
At your service was created to make the data of each one of the Health providers visible so that when a user wants to join one of these institutions or wants to change providers, they can make sound decisions. After the launch of this tool, it was possible to notice a significant improvement in the costs of health services, these were reduced due to the fact that users had greater access to the information of each provider.
Why are we sharing it?
We know that the differences between the functioning of the different health systems in the world, make it complex to have the same types of data and compatible data structures, therefore, the main point of improvement is based on structuring the components to make them more reusable. However, this has not been an impediment, at DATA Uruguay we received many queries and At Your Service, it has been replicated. Taking into account the experiences of replications and implementations in other countries, this tool is constantly improving, seeking to make it more flexible and manageable.