Herramientas/Tool Index
What is this?
Open Smart Register Platform (OpenSRP) is an open-source mobile digital global goods platform whose primary users are frontline healthcare workers. It combines evidence-based content and workflows with modern technology to transform the way healthcare is delivered and managed.
This is why OpenSRP is one of the 9 tools identified by Johns Hopkins as a digital solution for COVID-19 since it interacts with other health applications and can be leveraged as part of a COVID response toolkit.
Why was it developed?
In the quest for universal access to healthcare, OpenSRP was designed as it aims to create immediate improvements in service delivery and a long-term impact at all levels of the healthcare system, as it empowers healthcare workers by allowing them to digitally record services they provide at the community and facility levels. As well as tracking and supporting clients through various stages of life, while providing program managers and policymakers with up-to-date data to improve decision-making.
That is why to date OpenSRP has empowered healthcare workers in 17 countries.
Why are we sharing it?
Because with this platform we seek to help facilitate continuous care among citizens and health systems in general, through marked danger signs, the activation of client reminders, and improved data for decision-making.
OpenSRP also makes it easier for us to monitor and manage front-line health personnel in real-time and helps increase accountability. To this end, it trains health professionals to promote continuity of care for their clients at all stages of life. The objective is to raise awareness and ensure that all citizens, without exception, have access to health services.

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