Herramientas/Tool Index
InvestmentMap Repository
Tool Description:
It is a web application that serves to improve the loading and dissemination of data, especially because it is designed to connect to MapaInversiones platforms. The system allows you to upload information on public investment projects and make it accessible to decision makers and different government actors through intuitive interfaces, visualizations, reusable components and pre-built templates. The tool can be customized and adapted to the specific needs of each entity.
What problems does it solve?
Real-time data collection, analysis and dissemination capabilities vary considerably between national and subnational governments, as well as between companies. Although integrated subnational financial management systems and public investment systems have been implemented in some countries, the information they contain is often limited in disclosure and problems persist related to the timeliness, quality and completeness of the information presented. Many local and intermediate governments lack the infrastructure and resources to manage information systems, leading to fragmented and uneven adoption. In contrast, national governments and businesses typically have greater resources and capabilities, allowing them to implement and use advanced technologies more consistently and efficiently. Fragmentation in technology adoption at the local level is due to several factors, including interoperability issues, resistance to change, and variability in local priorities. To address these disparities, it is crucial that technological development initiatives are adapted to the specific needs of subnational governments, promoting the training and infrastructure necessary to ensure a more homogeneous and effective adoption of information systems.
How does it work?
The system works around projects. Manages information on public investment projects of a subnational government entity. For each project it manages basic project information, financial information, physical progress and project times. For monitoring, it records information on what was planned and what was executed, and based on it, it generates control panels and reports that allow monitoring of the level of physical and financial execution of a project or a group of projects. When the user enters the system, they are greeted with this dashboard that shows a summary of the composition and current status of the projects that comprise it. The project management dashboard presents the user with a summary of the composition and current status of the entity's public investment project portfolio.
Linked operation:
Support Latin American and Caribbean countries to improve the transparency and integrity of budgeting, public and private investment, and contracting systems.
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