Herramientas/Tool Index
Querido Diario
What is this?
The “Querido Diario” Project of the Open Knowledge Foundation Brazil (OKFBR) proposes to use artificial intelligence to classify, contextualize and expand the information contained in Brazilian municipal official newspapers, making them available on a platform that will allow them to be viewed in an open and friendly format. The technology used to access the newspapers' data will facilitate the location of information of interest to anyone, in addition to knowing in which other cities the data also appears and verifying if any company mentioned has irregularities.
Why was it developed?
The objective of Querido Diário is to bring official municipal diaries into the digital age, centralizing the information currently available only in separate sources.
Why are we sharing it?
Even with the recurring efforts to strengthen the Access to Information Law across the country, official communication remains - in most of the national territory - in PDFs.

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