Herramientas/Tool Index
Open Data Handbook
What is it?
This manual refers to the legal, social and technical aspects of data opening. It can be used by everyone but is specifically designed for those who are in the data opening search. Refers to why, what and how of the Open Data. Why open, what to open and how to open the data.
Read the complete manual here » http://opendatahandbook.org/
Why was it developed?
This book explains the basic concepts of “Datos Abiertos”, especially in relation to the government. Cover as from open data if it creates value and can have a positive impact in many different areas. In addition to exploring the background, the manual also provides concrete information on how to produce open data.
Why are we sharing it?
What is the shortest, safest and most picturesque way to go by bike from your house to work? Where can you find the best job opportunity and the highest number of fruit trees per capita? How can you influence decisions on topics that concern you deeply, and with who you should speak?
Now, our new technologies have the possibility to create services to answer these questions automatically. The information needed to answer these questions generated by public bodies. However, the data required is not available in an easy-to-use form. This book is about how to unlock the potential of official and other information to enable new services, to improve the lives of citizens and to do government work and better society.