Herramientas/Tool Index
What is this?
ID PASS is an online platform that allows governments and humanitarian organizations to issue and verify a private, trusted and retrievable form of identity for all subsets of the population, including citizens, residents and refugees.
Why was it developed?
Imagine not being able to prove who you are: no birth certificate, no passport, no driver's license or national ID. What if you live in an area where you don't have access to being able to go in person to apply for your ID and even worse don't have a smart phone or internet access.
The lack of identification creates barriers for each individual affected and for the countries in which they live, which is why it was so important to develop ID PASS. The platform seeks to remove those barriers; ID PASS targets people who do not have a smartphone or Internet access and provides them with a verifiable identity through the use of smart card technology and biometric data. Once enrolled, individuals have the ability to access services using an identity they can trust, which is verifiable, private, portable and under their control.
Why are we sharing it?
Having proof of legal identity or other identification (ID) is a basic right and often provides the key to accessing services and opportunities, whether it is getting a job, opening a bank account or receiving welfare payments.
Using digital technology such as ID PASS offers the potential for countries to rapidly advance their ID goals and improve the quality and utility of ID systems.
ID PASS works both online and offline. It combines well-proven technologies with the latest innovations in identity standards.
How does it work?
ID PASS Enrollment
Biometric and personal data is captured in the field via a desktop computer or mobile device, with full consent of the individual.
ID PASS Issuance
The ID PASS smart card is issued to the individual. Their data is signed by the issuing organization.
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