Herramientas/Tool Index
Smart maturity assessment tool
What is it?
A tool that allows to obtain the maturity of the city in the following aspects:
- Global maturity of the city: Dimensions (mobility, environment, economy, security, lifestyle and education) and infrastructure (digital physics and data potential).
- Specific maturity of each dimension: Capacities, resilience and technological adoption
- Maturity comparison between dimensions.
Technical Cooperation RG-T3083 "Methodology to evaluate, identify and implement Smart City projects in Latin America and the Caribbean".
Why it was developed?
Although there were methodologies and tools to assess the level of maturity of the smart city, these were from other regions, had a global reach or were focused on specific sectors, which caused few cities in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to enter in the rankings and could know their qualification and areas for improvement.
In response, the IDB hired Deloitte to develop this tool adapted to the context and reality of LAC that allows knowing the level of maturity of cities to become smart cities, as well as the areas of opportunity they have. Additionally, with the support of an external consultant such as Deloitte, specific projects can be identified to increase their level of maturity.
Why are we sharing it?
So that Latin American cities have the opportunity to do a self-assessment of their level of maturity.