Herramientas/Tool Index
Cadastral-commercial gap calculator
These algorithms help map the differences in real estate market values of a given area Fiscal Management | Information Management Understanding the discrepancy between cadastral and commercial valuation of real estate in a given territory can be useful for decision makers.
The algorithms available here facilitate the analysis of this gap in value. Through a friendly interface, structured data related to historical property values can be loaded and displayed on a map. The application has been designed to facilitate its use and allow a wider distribution that can reach a greater number of users, who only require a computer with a recent web browser. System administrators can deploy the application on a web server to make the tool available in their organizations, further speeding up its use by end users. This tool was developed in Mexico within the framework of the RG-T3099 project “Digital Solutions for Local Taxation.” (https://www.iadb.org/en/project/RG-T3099)