Herramientas/Tool Index
Matrícula Digital
What is it?
Code that allows the Deferred Acceptance algorithm (Gale-Shapley) to be applied using a list of student preferences for their assignment to school vacancies.
Why was it developed?
This code, which allows for the centralized assignment of students, has been used in different school systems in Latin America, both at the national and sub-national levels (Manta, Ecuador; Tacna, Peru; Palmira, Colombia; Pernambuco - Recife, Brazil; and Chile ). The algorithm makes it possible to assign students to schools in a more transparent, efficient, and equitable way. Families apply to educational establishments establishing an order of preference and, with said information, the algorithm assigns students taking into account the priority criteria established by the academic authority. The priorities most repeated in the algorithm implementation are those related to groups of siblings and students with special needs. Education authorities can also define selection priorities in order to incorporate public policy objectives. These may include criteria of distance, residence, vulnerability, conflict situation, and whether a parent belongs to a selected school, among others. For example, in Recife, equity objectives were defined based on participation in the Bolsa Família social program.
Why are we sharing it?
This tool is shared so that governments can use it in their school allocation process.
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