Herramientas/Tool Index
What is it?
Digital TRUST Infrastructure for Discovery and Validation (Regi-TRUST) is an infrastructure project sponsored and hosted at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The project is intended to develop and provide a suite of tools to enable discovery and validation of trusted services by leveraging existing Internet infrastructures of the Domain Name System (DNS) and its security extensions. Implementers can leverage the tools to create purpose-sized networks or ecosystems of trusted digital services or service networks (‘networks of networks’) operated by all types of entities - allowing users to easily discover services in need and access relevant service information through trusted endpoints and enabling informed decisions about whether to trust and use a service. Imagine a global network of all COVID/immunization certificate services where you can be sure that participating service providers are who they claim they are and you are accessing or directed to their vetted information (instead of phishing information) before sharing your own data or using their services. Most importantly, Regi-TRUST can enable 'networks of networks' at a massive scale that today’s fully centralized model is not able to. Thanks to the decentralized, cloud-agnostic architecture it adopts, any participating service of an implemented network or ecosystem will be able to maintain the sovereignty and control of their own systems and data. Such an approach provides the necessary trust infrastructure that can help to thwart the ubiquitous phishing attempts mimicking online service organizations, such as government institutions, health providers and banks.
Why it was developed?
Regi-TRUST was initially started at the Linux Foundation in 2021 as the Global COVID-19 Certificate Network (GCCN) project to address trust interoperability between COVID certificate systems. The project was transferred to the HIV and Health Group (HHG) team at UNDP in the summer of 2022, with an additional focus on developing policy and governance guidelines for the technical infrastructure. Since the transition, UNDP has also collaborated with the World Health Organization (WHO) to implement its G20 Global Trust Pilot Network for COVID-19 Certificates while working to broaden the scope of the project to support digital health services and beyond.
By renaming the project to Regi-TRUST, we are committed to delivering the GCCN as the first pilot and real-world use case for Regi-TRUST, while building and offering it as a digital public good (DPG) for broad use globally.
Why we are sharing it?
Offer a decentralized, inclusive and flexible digital trust infrastructure and a set of supporting tools as a digital public good (DPG) Provide comprehensive policies and governance guidelines to support the operationalization of networks or ecosystems built on the infrastructure Develop practical use cases for the infrastructure and support its global implementations
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