Herramientas/Tool Index
Transparency and participation tool for municipalities, councils, and autonomous communities. The goal of Gobierto is to make available to local governments, tools that allow their communication to be significantly improved.
The Populate team has developed this tool in open source. In Spain you can see several examples of the use of Gobierto.
The population affected by these initiatives is 10 million people.
- Municipality of Mataró (http://pressupost.mataro.cat/)
- Municipality of Sant Feliú (http://pressupost.santfeliu.cat/)
- Municipality of the Government of Catalonia (http://pressupostosmunicipals.transparenciacatalunya.cat/)
- Consult, analyze and compare the municipal budgets of Spain in http://presupuestos.gobierto.es
You can see more cases here (https://github.com/PopulateTools/gobierto#qui%C3%A9n-lo-usa)
Gobierto is an open source web application in Ruby On Rails, which uses Postgres and Elastic Search to store the data. It is made up of the following modules:
- Budget
- Statistical observatory
- Show the organization chart and agendas of senior managers
- Citizen participation
- Planning and open data.
You can configure the import of budget data from an open data source, XBRL files, CSV files.