Herramientas/Tool Index
Map of LAC Innovators COVID-19
What is it?
This tool makes it easy to transmit new data by being captured in CSV format to a dynamic and navigable table on a web page. It has the benefit of staying updated in real time.
The additional capabilities of the interface are basic: visualization, ordering, data filtering, free searches and buttons to download the content as CSV or in Excel.
Why was it created?
This tool was created by the IDB Lab to support with a deeper analysis of the data being captured through the Map of Innovators of Latin America and the Caribbean COVID-19. It allows filtering, navigating and downloading this new dataset that offers an overview of open and geolocated information on the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean and the innovative responses they are generating within the framework of COVID-19. The tool shared here offers an alternative interface to navigate this open source resource-based dataset.
To expand opportunities to work with this data, it provides a solution so that users can download map data without opening an account at Arcgis online or understanding how to manage geographic data. It uses open source Javascript libraries that connect directly to the data from Arcgis online to present the result on a Github.io page. As changes are published to the map in Arcgis online, the Github page automatically reflects them. The Github page serves as an open data access interface, even if that data is not hosted there.
What are the opportunities for improvement and / or reuse of the tool?
We invite everyone to get inspiration from this code if they have a similar case to solve. In the Github repository, you will find the source code under an open source license, and also the live demo directly published and hosted right there, which shows all the information on the map in tabular form.