Herramientas/Tool Index
What is this?
Urbantrips is an open-source library that takes information from a public transport smart card payment system and, through information processing that infers and validates trip destinations and builds trip chains for each user, produces origin-destination matrices and other indicators (KPI) for bus routes. The main objective of the bookstore is to produce useful inputs for public transport management based on minimum information and pre-processing requirements. With only a geolocated table of economic transactions from an electronic payment system, it will be possible to generate results, which will be more accurate the more additional information is incorporated into the process through optional files. The process elaborates the matrices, and the indicators and builds a series of graphs and transport maps.
This tool was developed within the framework of the operation: RG-T3592
Why was it developed?
Transportation agencies within local governments in small cities do not always have the necessary resources to process electronic payment card data and turn that data into valuable inputs for public policy. Either they lack the human resources to collect data and perform custom analytics, or they can't afford private licenses for expensive software. Complex transportation modeling is also data-intensive, with inputs not always available or difficult to collect, process, and load into the model. However, several cities already have an electronic payment system in their public transport. Urbantrips can help those cities to take advantage of this data and obtain easy, cheap, fast, but powerful and updated information.
Why are we sharing it?
The availability of open source tools to the general public is the condition of possibility for civil society actors (universities, organizations, unions, companies) to be part of a public discussion on public transport and contribute to its improvement. Making these tools available makes them more transparent and their products and results can be reproduced, audited and improved by the rest of the interested users.

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