Herramientas/Tool Index
Student Rights
What is it?
Student Rights is an informative platform that facilitates the management of confidential inquiries and complaints. In addition, it has a question and answer mechanism that allows students, parents and educational actors to know the rights of students of secondary level and technical-professional education in Uruguay.
Why was it developed?
This tool was created in response to the demands arising from the Representative Tables of Secondary Students about the ignorance of their rights. It has as co-creators the Council for Secondary Education (CES), the Council for Professional Technical Education (CETP / UTU), the National Administration of Public Education (ANEP), UNICEF Uruguay and DATA Uruguay. As a result of its implementation, it was very well received and after that, a sustained growth of the tool; Thus updating its content to reflect the concerns raised and, also, the new acquired rights.
Why are we sharing it?
Student Rights is a simple and relatively robust tool thanks to the learning process that we have had since its launch in 2016. At the level of improvements, the need to polish the system to contemplate the diverse needs of potential institutional users has been detected. and thus, strengthen the documentation. Its greatest strength lies in its replication since it is simple, fast, requires few resources. This tool has been shown to have a significant impact.
