Herramientas/Tool Index
SETE Sistema Eletrônico de Gestão do Transporte Escolar
What is it?
The Electronic School Transportation Management System (SETE) is e-governance software developed by CECATE UFG to help manage school transportation in Brazilian municipalities, taking into account their unique characteristics.
Why it was developed?
The system is distributed free of charge under the MIT free software license, which makes it possible for third parties to share and modify its code, for example, public agencies, companies and municipal technology teams. The system was designed not to depend on any proprietary software, so it can be used without having to license dependent programs.
Why we are sharing it?
SETE has web, desktop and mobile versions (in progress). The desktop version allows it to be used to operate in municipalities that have restricted Internet access and is resilient enough to continue operating even in the absence of Internet access. The web version and the desktop version are approximately identical. The difference is that the web version does not include the route suggestion tools.
SETE unifies various aspects carried out separately by other systems, such as fleet management, student management and routing. Note that the software is not intended to replace existing systems, but to complement them in municipalities that use systems focused on a single facet of management and to provide a solution that fits the reality of municipalities not served by them.
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