Herramientas/Tool Index
SaniHUB Ramales
What is it?
SaniHUB Ramales is a free software program designed to assist in the development and design of home sewer connections, with tools for the design of condominium or conventional systems. The Plug-in allows you to create projects from the information collected in the field using a form developed for use in the Qfield application and its final treatment in the Qgis environment.
Why was it developed?
The first module, for the design of sewage systems (SaniHUB RedBasica), was originally developed with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Fund Investment for Latin America - European Union (LAIF) with the objective of educating and promoting free access to modern tools for the design of sewer systems and with functionalities adapted for the design of condominium-type sewer systems.
The tool has been tested in several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, both in team formation and in sewer collection network projects using the condominium methodology (Basic Networks).
These experiences have shown that the tool has great potential to accelerate the expansion of sewage systems in developing countries, firstly, because it is accessible to everyone (Open-Source) and secondly because it allows optimization of sewage systems. sewer.
Taking this into account, the other two modules were developed: Branches (for data collection and Condominium or conventional branch projects) and DWATS (decentralized wastewater treatment), so that the same advantages of the RedBasica module can be extended to other phases of a sewer system project.
All modules and their manuals can be found on the sanihub.org portal, which also has a board of projects carried out with the tools, an area to publish news on the subject, a forum for the community to ask questions and exchange experiences, and video lessons on related topics.
Why are we sharing it?
Developing countries face the challenge of expanding universal access to sanitation, despite the fact that a large part of their population lives in small municipalities with few technical and financial resources.
We believe that facilitating access to modern project tools and training the local population and teams will make this challenge easier to overcome.

Have you reused or are you thinking about reusing this tool?
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