Herramientas/Tool Index
What is it?
OpenSPP is an open source digital social protection information system that enables governments and humanitarian organizations to implement, manage, and monitor cash and in-kind assistance programs.
Why was it developed?
Low and middle-income countries and humanitarian organizations often face challenges with inefficient and ineffective social protection systems, which can make it difficult for them to provide assistance and support to vulnerable populations.
These systems often lack the necessary infrastructure and technology to be scalable, adaptable, and interoperable with other systems.
As a result, social protection programs can be costly and inefficient, and may not reach the people who are most in need.
Why are we sharing it?
OpenSPP was built as an open source platform from the very first day and it is now recognized as a digital public good by the Digital Public Goods Alliance.
We aim to provide governments and humanitarian organizations with a comprehensive and integrated digital social protection information system.

Have you reused or are you thinking of reusing this tool?
Just send an email to [email protected] requesting a “tool reuse badge”, exclusive to the IDB.