Herramientas/Tool Index
IPTU Active Debt Profile
What is this?
IPTU active debt profile is a tool that allows an assessment of the current stock of IPTU active debt of a municipality through the profile of the debtors - built from the intersection of City Hall data with external databases. In the present version of the tool, city hall data are crossed with data from the 2010 IBGE Census.
Why was it developed?
The application was designed as a proof of concept for using available data to solve urban problems under the Technical Cooperation BR-T1496 - Potentializing the use of Big Data Solutions for Smart Cities. The concept sought to prove with the implementation of this solution is that an adequate visualization of the city hall's internal data combined with available external data is capable of helping in decision-making such as, for example, in the construction of strategies to reduce the city's inventory. active debt.
Why are we sharing it?
The municipal Public Administration has the role of providing services in the most diverse areas to guarantee the well-being of citizens. To do so, it is necessary that the city hall has sources of resources such as the collection of fees and taxes. A prominent tax at this point is the Urban Property and Territorial Tax (IPTU), due by owners or possessors of real estate (residential or commercial) located in urban areas.
IPTU is charged annually and non-payment can even lead to the loss of the property. Before that, however, the municipality needs to follow a long collection path that begins with the registration of the debt in active debt. Although information technologies have facilitated the process of enrolling and collecting active debt, there are still challenges that can benefit from crossing data from existing databases available to the City Hall.
It is in this sense that we believe that the "Perfil" tool can collaborate to increase efficiency in the collection of municipal taxes, boosting the municipality's capacity for action.

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