Herramientas/Tool Index
InvestmentMap Platform
Tool Description:
The MapaInversiones initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is present in 14 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and promotes transparency in spending, investments and public contracting through digital platforms that integrate and visualize public data. MapaInversiones acts as a visible window of the data published by national and territorial entities in the project banks of the National Public Investment Systems (SNIP), among other official sources. The MapaInversiones platform provides visualization tools such as interactive maps with georeferenced information, data analytics tools and business intelligence to publish information to the general public. The platform incorporates validation mechanisms and data standards that ensure greater precision and reliability, thus raising the quality of the data. Likewise, by integrating different systems and databases, they facilitate the consolidation of dispersed information, guaranteeing its completeness.
What problems does it solve?
This tool allows us to strengthen the transparency of the management of public resources and improve accountability to promote greater citizen monitoring and control.
How does it work?
When entering the initial page of MapaInversiones, a header is displayed composed of an upper part that contains: the logo of the initiative and links to different sections such as “About” of the site, “Legal Framework”, “Questions frequently” and a “Contact Us” option; in addition to the menu and submenus of the site. The following menu has all the different elements and sections of the application, such as “Budget”, “Public Procurement”, “Entities”, “Public Investments”, “Citizen Participation”, “Open Data”, “Glossary”. The sections vary according to the needs of the project and the client, to adjust the menu accordingly you must enter through the application administrator. It is also found as a “General Search Engine”, configured on an Apache Solr server that indexes the different information offered by the website and allows searches by keywords such as: entities, plans and programs.
Use case:
The impact of the MapaInversiones initiative platforms has been measured through quantitative evaluations that have demonstrated improvements in the performance of public investment projects based on the dissemination of information, for example in Colombia it generated an improvement in the execution efficiency of almost 8 p.p. since its launch in 2014 and in Costa Rica the projects present a better financial performance of up to 15 p.p one year after launch.
More information here:
Linked operation:
Support Latin American and Caribbean countries to improve the transparency and integrity of budgeting, public and private investment, and contracting systems.
Interface screenshots:
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