Herramientas/Tool Index
What is this?
iHRS is free and open-source software from IntraHealth International, which allows you to track and manage the data of health personnel in each country. They use it to capture and maintain quality information for the planning, regulation and training of their health personnel.
Why was it developed?
Many countries experience a critical shortage of their health workforce and are struggling to meet the healthcare needs of their population. Effective health workforce management is crucial for countries to meet their health needs. iHRS was created from the problems of shortage of health personnel caused by COVID-19.
Why are we sharing it?
It has been used by ministries of health, health offices, and healthcare facilities in more than 30 countries, enabling the easy collection, maintenance, analysis, and management of healthcare workforce data and resources. We want the positive impact that it has had in other parts of the world to reach Latin America and the Caribbean.

Have you reused it or are you thinking about reusing this tool?
Email us at [email protected] and request an exclusive “tool reuse badge” from the IDB.