Herramientas/Tool Index
What is this?
Frictionless is a set of open source tools that help users package their data and metadata with schemas to increase ease of use and clarity, transform data for cleansing or format conversion, and access and store data, for example in a SQL database.
Why was it developed?
The tool was developed to provide a solid foundation for building modern open data portals, promoting FAIR data principles from the ground up to improve data sharing, data reuse and data accessibility.
Why are we sharing it?
We share Frictionless to help the community simplify the data experience, reduce the effort required to transform data, and build modern open data portals that promote FAIR data principles to improve data sharing, data reuse, and data accessibility.
Have you reused or are you thinking about reusing this tool?
Email us at [email protected] and request an exclusive “tool reuse badge” from the IDB.