Herramientas/Tool Index
What is it?
OpenFisca is an open source engine for writing rules as code.
Describe your tax and benefit system, provide a situation as input (i.e. income), request a calculation as output (i.e. income taxes) and get your results.
Why was it developed?
Government departments, legislators and civil society finally share a common language for debating and activating social and fiscal policies: OpenFisca enables laws and regulations to be modeled collaboratively and made computable on open APIs for developers, data scientists and researchers.
Why are we sharing it?
"Policy and government experts
OpenFisca enables institutions to efficiently share regulatory updates and pool IT costs. The interconnection of rules between public bodies in the form of readable parameters and executable code provides algorithmic transparency and reduces the bill for the taxpayer.
Developers and data scientists
OpenFisca enables developers to easily deliver applications that calculate complex taxes and benefits through its JSON web API, and data scientists to perform large-scale calculations through its Python vector API. The contribution of formulas and coding extensions makes it possible to create services for any business.
economists and researchers
OpenFisca allows economists and researchers to use surveys and administrative data to simulate the impact of any past or future reforms on the income distribution of a given population. Linking all calculated taxes and benefits allows analysis of how multiple reforms interact."
Have you reused or are you planning to reuse this tool?
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